including Equestrian coaching, Pilates classes, Horse training and clinics.
A strong focus of my work as a coach lies on improving the rider’s position on the horse’s back.
I also help people to gain a better understanding and skill set of how to train their horses on the ground as well as under saddle.
Rider position lesson
Being a competitive Dressage rider myself, I coach Dressage riders from beginner’s to more advanced level incl. Advanced movements and competition preparation.
In addition I run monthly Poles & Cavaletti Club days at my property in Gidgegannup.
In my work as a performer, I was trained to be aware of how my body moved. It is my strong belief that exercises such as Pilates, enable better communication between horse and rider.
I’m a qualified Pilates instructor and teach matwork group classes which are targeted (not only) for riders. I also offer individual sessions which are tailored to the individual requirements of the person.
Pilates training
I also offer online videos which contains different modules and can be done in the convenience of your own home in your own time. You will find a range of different exercises which concentrate on strengthening different muscle groups and provide different level of difficulties. The videos are relatively short which means that you can mix and match them as you like to build your own workout.
I offer residential horse training which is suitable for horses and ponies starting their work under saddle as well as horses with mental or physical issues. Furthermore I can provide advanced dressage training for your horse which will focus on teaching the horse improved posture in addition to new movements, always with the correct use of the horse’s biomechanics in mind.
I also teach owners and riders how to train their horse in a way that is easy to understand for both human and horse and will enable a better communication with each other.
I travel for clinics in which I offer lessons including ground work / in-hand work, position work, Dressage, Pilates and / or polework. These can be combined ad libitum, for example, position work in the morning and poles in the afternoon. I often run a Pilates group session midday as well if desired.
Please contact me if you are interested in hosting a clinic.